Just a quick Hi!

19/04/2006 § 2 Comments

Hello! What a busy and wonderful weekend celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus! I am still swamped with a few things, but I will post later. In the meantime, feel free to check out our new virtual pets! Lovebug saw these on another blog and insisted we should have them on our site. They are super cute and can be 'fed'! If you click on the 'more' button for Penguino it will throw him a fish. If you click on the food container for Jian Mei (beautiful;strong in Mandarin Chinese-one of my favorite languages!) and then bring it to the top of the tank, it will turn over and if you click it again it will drop food into her tank! So, so CUTE!


Have a blessed day and we'll catch up later!

Traci and Lovebug  ðŸ™‚


P.S. Stop by Elton's new blog and welcome him as a new HSBlogger dad! He has a great word of encouragement for us moms. What a blessing!

§ 2 Responses to Just a quick Hi!

  • daybydaygrace says:

    Noticed you were back on the blog today, so thought I’d stop in and say hi! Or lets see, down South I’m supposed to say, “How–dy”! Traci

  • kleo30 says:

    Well, I just fed your pets, LOL. I hope they don’t die from over feeding! I am sure my youngest would like pets on my blog 🙂

    Your new look is nice. I keep thinking I’ll add some things to mine, but life keeps me away from the computer lately.

    Yeah, my family was weird today too. I had to quit checking blogs and make food LOL. I’ve been trying all day to check in with everybody on my friends’ list. That list is long LOL…I’m 2/3 done 🙂 There’s always tomorrow, right?

    Have a blessed night~Kelly

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