It's a new Chapter!

06/11/2006 § 2 Comments

Well, today is the start of a new week. A week where I don’t have to work! God is soooo good! It is actually kind of strange. WHen I think about planning my day there’s this little thing inside that triggers the following conversation in my head:


"Ok, today I’ll do such and such and then this and that."

"Don’t forget you have to work at 3pm…"

"Oh yeah…OH NO I DON"T!"

"I have the WHOLE day to do as I need, want and please!"

(enter angelic Hallelujah choir with rays of Heavenly beams of light here)


I know it seems silly, but I have had to work this shift for a LONG time. Even yesterday after church I was feeling rushed at times and had to remind myself to enjoy the time of fellowship b/c I didn’t need to be anywhere at 4pm!


I’m sure I’ll get used to it in no time. My time is already being filled with little tasks at home and for others. It is sooooo exciting! I am so grateful and feel so blessed!


Have a great day today all! I KNOW I WILL!



Traci  ๐Ÿ™‚


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