So there's been some Snow…

02/03/2007 § 5 Comments

ok, i’m downplaying it a little…

If you look up the weather for where we live you will read the following:

periods of snow with areas of blowing snow…

widespread blowing snow and a chance of snow…

heavy snowfall and blowing snow…

when I look out my window I see the following:

periods of snow with areas of blowing snow…

widespread blowing of snow and lots of snow…

heavy snowfall, blowing snow and lots more snow…

and even more than that, I see snow! It’s literally white out conditions around here.

So to make a long story longer…we’ve had A LOT of snow and it’s still coming! I’d say rough estimates for where we are would be at least 20" accumulatively so far–at least. Not mentioning what’s on its way–still.

It’s so pur-ty! I can’t wait to post pics. You won’t believe your eyes! Yes, I actually LIKE it! Hey I’m a Minnesotan. This is MILD!You should’ve been here in ’91!

There is a downside to all this fluffy white fun. We don’t have a snowblower, so yours truly has had to put her fair share of hours in shovelling the driveway…which needs to be done again. AND, it’s a good thing we aren’t using the backyard. We can’t find it anyway! Asa went out to get some wood for the fireplace(through the backyard) and I thought I’d lost him. Good thing he was wearing a black hat and that he’s 6 ft tall. That’s about all I could see of him, his black hat covered head! We’re gonna tie a rope around his waist and put bells on his boots the next time he has to go out, just like they do on Arctic expeditions! Well, maybe not the bells…

So we are having fun watching the snow fall and it’s so nice and bright because it’s so white. Maybe the sun is shining a little, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. You see there’s been some snow…


traci  🙂



§ 5 Responses to So there's been some Snow…

  • Martha says:

    Snow is so much fun! I love snow, hey I have lived in MT most of my life and then MN after I got married, it is in my blood! I saw your blog on Merchant Maidens!

  • TwmCrm2001 says:

    Ooohh,, you have a new look, also! I just worked for a couple of hours on mine! Thanks for stopping by! I don't have time to surf Bloggy land much anymore, otherwise I would be by alot more often!

  • dawilli says:

    Oh the blizzard of '91… oh the memories! I was so literally trapped inside my dorm up at UMD! O, the memories…
    I remember a blizzard before that when the snowplow got stuck around the corner from me… then the rescue plow got stuck… then this huge heavy truck came behind to push the plows to get them unstuck! And they only did one pass down the street, no one could actually get out and drive, but we could walk! Of course my friends and I all just thought it was great! Yay sleds! They did finish the road the next day…
    Ah, the memories… If I didn't have a baby and a toddler right now we'd have headed to that huge hill at the park in town… oh man, can you imagine the sledding today?!?!
    Stay warm,

  • christlike says:

    Hi Traci,
    I remember snow way back in the "70's" when i lived in denver, Co. Yes as much as 27ft snow drifts on the sides of buildings. We actually dug tunnels out from doorways to the sidewalk. Lots of fun! Love snow! No snow in S Ala. My DC's never seen snow eccept in pictures & TV
    Blessings to you & family, I'll keep you all in my prayers. Have fun in the snow!!!!
    IN HIM; Elton

  • dawilli says:

    Did you get any good snow pics yet? These days will be fun to look back on someday… after a good amount of time has past! Right now the pain is too fresh, and the frostbite still hurts… okay, I'm exaggerating a little, but only a little!
    Have a little bit of fun with it all, it's supposed to warm up this week, maybe even some spring rains… so get out in the snow soon, it may be gone this time next week…
    Have a good one,
    enjoy her,

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